Call for Abstract

International Conference on Vaccine Research, will be organized around the theme “Expanding Present Vaccine Research Outcomes in the wake of Pandemic”

VACCINE CONGRESS 2023 is comprised of 16 tracks and 3 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in VACCINE CONGRESS 2023.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Accurate, evidence-based information about the COVID-19 vaccine to provide people with important facts about vaccines that will help eliminate this problem.

There are more people joining the vaccine at the same time in the COVID-19 pipeline than ever before in an infectious disease. They are all trying to achieve the same thing - the vulnerability of the virus, while others can also stop the transmission of the virus. They do this by stimulating the body's response to the antigen, a molecule found in the virus. In the case of COVID-19, the antigen is usually a spike-derived protein found on the surface of the virus, which is often used to help it attack human cells

  • Track 1-1microscopic organisms
  • Track 1-2antibodies
  • Track 1-3protozoan parasites
  • Track 1-4Infectious disease
  • Track 1-5Haemophilus influenza flu B

Pediatricians focus on the physical, emotional, and social health of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults up to age 21. Because they work with so many aspects of children's health, they're highly trained in assessing, detecting, preventing, and managing issues that affect children. This might involve anything from treating an ear infection to talking to parents about school or behavioral problems to seeing kids for well-child checkups or annual exams and giving them their vaccines.

Vaccines epidemiology – Vaccines - A scientific field that works with testing methods and methods involved in vaccine testing is vaccine epidemiology. The overall purpose of the research field is to provide an understanding of the various methods and techniques involved in evaluating  vaccines. There is a growing increase in vaccines that guarantee life-saving interventions, and the use of epidemiologicalvaccines maximizes the benefits of this type of primary prevention. Therefore, it will be considered that manuscripts investigating infection, efficacy of the vaccine, vaccination failure, herd immunity, herd outcome, disease transmission, and modelling of various epidemic diseases

  • Track 3-1Microorganisms
  • Track 3-2Non-communicable diseases
  • Track 3-3Vaccination

Immunization is a worldwide wellbeing and advancement example of overcoming adversity, saving large number of lives each year. Antibodies diminish dangers of getting a sickness by working with your body's normal safeguards to construct security. At the point when you get an antibody, your resistant framework reacts. We currently have immunizations to forestall in excess of 20 perilous illnesses, helping individuals of any age live more, better lives. Vaccination as of now forestalls 2-3 million passing consistently from sicknesses like diphtheria, lockjaw, pertussis, flu and measles. Vaccination is a critical segment of essential medical services and an unquestionable basic liberty. It's additionally extraordinary compared to other wellbeing ventures cash can purchase. Immunizations are additionally basic to the anticipation and control of irresistible illness flare-ups. They support worldwide wellbeing security and will be an imperative apparatus in the fight against antimicrobial opposition

  • Track 4-1Pathogens
  • Track 4-2Vaccinology
  • Track 4-3Immunology

Adjuvant is an ingredient used in some vaccines that helps to create a strong immune response in people who receive the vaccine. In other words, supplements help make vaccines work better. Some vaccines made from weakened or killed bacteria contain natural supplements and help the body produce a strong immune response. However, many vaccines developed today include only small amounts of viruses, such as their proteins, rather than the whole virus or bacteria.

  • Track 5-1Anaphylactic reaction

Vaccine Regulatory Issues regulatory issues dealing with vaccination control, production, distribution and control can be termed as vaccine control problems. Common issues and disputes arising from the research and experimental field that include vaccines can also be put together and dealt with under vaccine control problems.

  • Track 6-1Pre-clinical trial
  • Track 6-2Adequate immunity

Research and development of vaccines are becoming increasingly difficult with the emergence of new diseases, an increase in the burden of infectious diseases, and growing concerns about the safety of vaccines. Vaccines are very effective in preventing illness and death, and are widely regarded as one of the great achievements in medicine, but the quantity and quality of the viral response can greatly affect the effectiveness of the vaccine. The complexity of the immune system is an area we understand, and our immunization research services can translate your system into a clinic.

  • Track 7-1Drug delivery systems
  • Track 7-2Biomedical engineers
  • Track 7-3Circulatory system
  • Track 7-4Plasmodium falciparum

Antiretroviral drugs  n are prescribed for healthy people to help prevent infections, such as measles and leprosy. These vaccines use weakened or killed germs such as germs or bacteria to trigger an immune response. Many cancer vaccines work in the same way, but they cause the human immune system to invade cancer cells. Cancer treatments are different from antiretroviral drugs. These vaccines try to make the immune system attack the cancer cells in the body. Some cancer vaccines are made up of cancer cells and parts of cells, or pure antigens. Sometimes a patient's body cells are separated and exposed to these laboratory substances to create a vaccine. Once the vaccine is ready, it is injected into the body to increase the body's resistance to cancer cells. Cancer drugs cause the immune system to attack cells with one or more antigens. The immune system contains special memory cells, it is hoped that the vaccine may continue to function for a long time after being given.

  • Track 8-1Malaria
  • Track 8-2Tuberculosis
  • Track 8-3Trauma
  • Track 8-4Protozoan parasites

The vaccine contains a live version of the weakened varicella-zoster virus (chicken pox). This stimulates the immune system but does not cause infections in healthy people. However, the chicken pox vaccine should not be given to people who have an immune system Chickenpox is a disease that causes inflammation and fever. A person with chickenpox can have many blisters - up to 500. The rash can spread to the rest of the body - even to the mouth, hips, or genitals. Chickenpox can be dangerous and life-threatening, especially in children, adults, and people with weakened immune systems

  • Track 9-1Toxoid drugs
  • Track 9-2Diphtheria or diphtheria
  • Track 9-3Antigen

Vaccines contain an active substance antigen that stimulates the body's response. They may also contain other substances such as preservatives, additives, adjuvants and other trace elements. This paper provides information on the components of a vaccine including why they are available, and what, if any, could be harmful to these potential components for those receiving the vaccine. General information on the components of the vaccine.

  • Track 10-1Vaccination
  • Track 10-2New bioprocess technologies
  • Track 10-3Immune

The Ebola vaccine will be available in all countries to respond to the outbreak as part of the Gavi-sponsored emergency fund around the world. This will mean that for the first time licensed doses of up to 500,000 Ebola vaccines will be ready for use at the onset of the outbreak, where low and moderate and eligible Gavi countries can receive free doses, with support for operating costs to deal with outbreaks. For the first time in history, the next time Ebola strikes we are ready.

  • Track 11-1Immunizations
  • Track 11-2IAVI investigators
  • Track 11-3Antagonists

Historically, immunizations have been the best way to protect people from infectious diseases. Although there are a variety of strategies available to prevent HIV infection, developing a safe and effective HIV vaccine remains the key to seeing a lasting end to the HIV epidemic. NIAID-backed scientists are working on a two-pronged approach to HIV vaccine: an artistic approach that quickly stimulates human immunodeficiency testing in humans, and a theoretical approach to vaccine-based vaccines based on an understanding of the body's response to HIV infection.

  • Track 12-1Immunosuppressive diseases
  • Track 12-2Flu Vaccines
  • Track 12-3Bacterial infections

HPV vaccines protect against infection with human papillomaviruses (HPV). HPV is a group of more than 200 related viruses, of which more than 40 are spread through direct sexual contact. Among these, two HPV types cause genital warts, and about a dozen HPV types can cause certain types of cancer—cervical, anal, oropharyngeal, penile, vulvar, and vaginal.

  • Track 13-1COVID-19
  • Track 13-2Environmental protection
  • Track 13-3Contagious disease

Measles causes fever, rash, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes. Complications can include ear infections, diarrhea, pneumonia, brain damage and death.mumps root fever, headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite, and swollen salivary glands. Complications can include swollen testicles or eggs, deafness, inflammation of the brain and / or tissues including the brain and spine (encephalitis / meningitis) and, rarely, die.Rubella root fever, sore throat, rash, headache, and red, itchy eyes. If a woman gets rubella during pregnancy, she may become pregnant or her baby may be born with a serious birth defect.You can protect yourself from these diseases with a safe, effective vaccine.

  • Track 14-1DNA
  • Track 14-2Immune system
  • Track 14-3Immunizations

Polio is a crippling and potentially fatal disease. It is caused by poliovirus. The virus spreads from person to person and can infect the brain and spinal cord of an infected person, causing paralysis (unable to move body parts. Polio can be prevented by vaccination. Inactive Polio Vaccine (IPV) is the only polio vaccine supplied in the United States since 2000. You are given a shot in the arm or leg, depending on the age of the person. Oral polio vaccine (OPV) is used in some countries. Almost all children (99 out of 100) who receive all the recommended doses of polio vaccine will be protected from polio.

  • Track 15-1Pregnancy
  • Track 15-2Undiagnosed diseases
  • Track 15-3Pregnant women

Pre-Clinical Vaccine Studies - These studies are conducted before clinical trials and can be called " Preclinical vaccines Studies" These studies are conducted to assess the safety, immunogenicity and therapeutic efficacy of the vaccine and to seek vaccine treatment for a variety of animals. These are non-clinical studies conducted by vaccine manufacturers before clinical trials.

  • Track 16-1Several immunizations
  • Track 16-2 vascular disorders
  • Track 16-3Physical disorders